DWIH New York Funding for Supporter-Driven Activities

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Representatives of DWIH New York supporter organizations can apply for event funding.

As of 01.01.2024: Associate Supporters can apply for up to 5.000 Euro in funding; Main Supporters for up to 8.000 Euro.


Please send all application materials (Application Form and Cost Calculation Sheet) to Dr. Jan Lüdert.


We ask for detailed applications to be submitted ~6 months in advance of the planned activity:

Before or by December 1 for activities in Q1 and Q2 of the following year.

Before or by June  1 for activities in Q3 and Q4.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, budget permitting.

The DWIH NY accepts funding applications for both larger and smaller activities if they are in alignment with the DWIH mission. For funding support up to 1.000 EUR please contact Dr. Jan Lüdert. 



General Information

Funding Purpose

The DWIH NY supports activities with the following criteria:

  • Activities that fulfill the mission of the DWIH as listed in the bylaws § 2 (2)(a):
    • Increase visibility of the German innovation landscape
    • Generate knowledge relevant to stakeholders in US and Germany
    • Advise on trends and established research practices of US and Germany
    • Build networks and strengthen German-US engagement such as new collaboration or joint-projects
  • Activities that align with the UN SDGs and foster science diplomacy
  • Activities that promote cutting-edge research, innovation and entrepreneurship, or provoke thoughtful dialogue
  • Activities that have a clear mission of creating a long-lasting impact beyond the funded activity

General framework:

  • Open-call, year-round, with priority given to applications submitted by December 1 and June 1.
    • Funding cannot be “reserved” in advance
  • Ends when funding is depleted
  • Grantor: DWIH NY with approval of Program Committee
  • Joint proposals consisting of more than one supporter organization are welcome; funding levels can increase based on the number of involved supporters


Application Requirements

In order for the Program Committee to determine the quality of the planned activity, we ask for completed Application Form including a detailed and specific description of the planned activities, list of potential speakers, format, and goals, etc. We understand that some adjustments are to be expected during the planning process, but the Program Committee requires careful and detailed application materials.

  • Completed Application Form and Cost Calculation Table (see above for download)
  • Applicant must be a DWIH NY main or associate supporter
  • Detailed applications to be submitted ~6 months in advance of the planned activity:

Funding Use:

  • Travel expenses and accommodation reimbursement in alignment w/ Bundesreisekostengesetz and DAAD guidelines
  • Marketing (graphic design, advertisement, PR)
  • Catering
  • Venue expenses
  • Photography & Videography
  • Programmatic costs (workshops hosts, moderation honorarium)
  • Material costs directly related to the activity


Evaluation Process

Applications are evaluated by the Program Committee*. Results are announced via email ~two weeks after the submission date.

The Program Committee uses the following Evaluation Criteria. 

Applicants will receive an anonymized summary of the Program Committee’s evaluation with commentary. Each applicant is expected to incorporate relevant feedback.

*In certain cases, such as when requests for funding are quite low ~ 1,000 – 2,000 EUR, applications are reviewed by the DWIH NY team internally in accordance with the evaluation criteria and available budget.


Supporters receiving funding lead the execution of the proposed activity. They oversee logistical, organizational, communication, and financial components of the project.

To ensure a seamless execution, supporters:

  1.  Schedule inception and follow-up meetings w/ participating partners to determine the scope and timeline of the activity
  2. Coordinate expected payments w/ the DWIH NY Program Officer well in advance of payment (see below Financial Processing)
  3. Submit documents to Communication Officer for activity promotion on website, social channels and newsletter (see below DWIH Branding)
  4. Lead communication with participating parties
  5. Create any documentation and gather all materials e.g. presentation, agenda, run-of-show, chapter outline, etc.
  6. Execute your activity
  7. Complete Activity Evaluation


Financial Processing

Funding Process

The DWIH NY is required to pay vendors directy rather than reimburse the supporter. All funding is subject to the Bundesreisekostengesetz and DAAD Vergaberichtlinien. Please familiarize yourself with relevant sections of the DAAD guidelines for travel reimbursement for travelers outside of the United States and the Foreign Travel Expense Regulation (ARV) overnight fee list for accommodations.

  1. Keep track of your budget in this available form
  2. Notify Program Manager of upcoming payments
  3. Send all receipts to Program Manager

Please note:

  • The DWIH NY pays vendors directly; it cannot provide cash or checks directly to supporters
  • The DWIH NY cannot pay travel costs up front or a travel stipend; travel of non-US speakers is reimbursed by the DAAD Reisekostenstelle in accordance with their regulations; travel for US speakers is reimbursed by the DWIH in accordance with DAAD guidelines and those of the BRKG
  • The DWIH NY cannot grant prize money with the exception of the GAIN Science Slam

DWIH New York Invoice Address:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
c/o German Center for Research and Innovation
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

DWIH NY Branding

Communication Materials and Processes


If granted funding, we require the DWIH New York logo to be featured on all print and digital communications materials listing the DWIH New York as a “supporter” of the event.

Social Tags

Please also tag us on our social channels:

For X: @dwih_ny

For LinkedIn: @dwih-ny

DWIH NY Website

The DWIH New York is happy to feature your activity on our website, in our newsletter, and mention it on our social channels (LinkedIn and X). We will require:

  • Title and logistical details (date, time, application guidelines etc.)
  • Speaker names, titles, headshots and short bios (100 words max.)
  • Brief, engaging description of the activity (300 words max.)

Post-Activity Reporting

To help us assess our activities and the impact of our funding, we ask grantees to submit an evaluation two weeks after their activity has ended.

The numbers and information you provide help us in our reporting to our stakeholders in our annual Monitoring Report.

Please note: Only the DWIH New York team will read your evaluation. We know that not all questions are applicable to each activity, but we kindly ask you to fill out the evaluation as best as possible.


Evaluations are intended for provided are used for the annual DAAD-Monitoringreport.


I am applying with another DWIH supporter. Can I apply for more funding?

Yes. For applications with multiple supporters, you may request the sum of the maximum amount that each individual supporter is entitled to. Example: Two main supporters are applying for an event. Individually they can request 8.000 EUR; in tandem they can request 16.000 EUR in funding.

What if all my payment amounts are in USD and not in EUR?

The DWIH NY can pay amounts in EUR or in USD. However, for the application, we ask all supporters to fill in the cost calculation table in euro.

If funding is granted, we ask all supporters to keep track of their overall budget and make sure that the budget does not exceed the agreed upon funding amount. For budgeting purposes, convert USD payments using the invoice date and currency converter OANDA to keep track of final budget in euro.