Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles
Terraloupe is a technology-driven AI company that uses aerial imagery to digitize the world.
AI for Robotics
micropsi industries
Using imitation and transfer learning, micropsi industries allows human trainers to teach robots how to complete successful, complex motions.
Startup Uses AI to Prevent Hate Speech and Spam Online
The Berlin-based startup Conversario uses artificial intelligence to protect and understand digital communities. Their tools limit hate speech and spam, allowing more room for real dialogue to happen online.
Germany Commits €3 Billion to AI
The days of Artificial Intelligence sounding like something from sci-fi are long gone. AI is already a part of our daily lives. Simply meaning technologies that think like people do, AI encompasses speech recognition systems like Amazon’s Alexa, ride sharing, and the notifications about fraud you get from your bank. As industry continues to find new applications for AI, the 4th Industrial Revolution based on automation and data exchange is coming to a head.
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