AI for HR
Bunch decodes the success formula behind effective company culture and connects the dots between fuzzy human factors and company performance.
AI for Privacy
Brighter AI: Deep Natural Anonymization for AI
Berlin-based startup Brighter AI empowers companies to use publicly-recorded camera data for analytics and AI development while respecting the privacy of personal data.
Germany and Canada Sign Quantum Computing Agreement
A memorandum signed by German and Canadian institutions establishes a German-Canadian network for quantum computing and data analytics.
Universities Collaborate on Quantum Computing Research
The new Cluster of Excellence “Matter and Light for Quantum Computing” (ML4Q) brings together the best researchers from four top institutions in western Germany to handle the multidisciplinary issue of quantum computing.
Chemical Simulations with Quantum Computers
Karlsruhe-based HQS develops algorithms that allow for efficient simulations of chemical processes on both quantum and classical computers.
Tackling Post-Quantum Cyberthreats
QuantiCor Security GmbH is one of the world’s leading developers and manufacturers of quantum computer-resistant security solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT).
Germany’s First Ion-Trapped Quantum Computer
Quantum Factory GmbH is a Munich-based tech start-up using patent-pending key technology to develop Germany’s first universally applicable ion-trapped quantum computer.
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