Germany Pledges $3.1 Billion to University Research Groups
Part of the Excellence Strategy, Germany selected 57 research-based clusters in which to invest €385 million annually. Selected clusters represent Germany’s best university-based research.
Germany Races to Get Ahead in Electromobility
In 2018 the German government announced it would invest $1.1 billion in the production of battery cells for electric vehicles (EV).
Customer Mobility Application
If you’ve ever wanted to compare transportation offers from different providers in terms of fare and duration—combine those offers even, taking a rental bike to a train station, if that’s the fastest route, for instance—then moovel is for you!
Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles
Blickfeld gives autonomous systems the eyes to see the world by developing revolutionary scanning LiDAR systems and detection software for environment perception.
Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles
Terraloupe is a technology-driven AI company that uses aerial imagery to digitize the world.
The Laws of Code: Fighting for Ethics in Algorithms
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Algorithms influence our daily lives quietly without us knowing. They determine what gets displayed on our newsfeeds, which jobs we get interviewed for and for which loans we are eligible. But what are the consequences of machines judging people?
Securing Data in the Cloud
eperi GmbH
With sensitive data being stored online rather than on premise, the cloud comes with a unique set of characteristics that make it vulnerable.
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