News from Fraunhofer USA
Knowledge Transfer, the Transatlantic Fraunhofer Way
Fraunhofer USA Center Midwest CMW hosted staff from Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT (Aachen, Germany) during a knowledge exchange visit.
2-week Summer Academy for International Early Postdocs
Research Explorer Ruhr: Prepare Your Postdoc Stay in the German Ruhr Area
Get to know the top-notch researchers and research environment, profit from professional workshops on the German research and funding landscape, work on your own research proposal, return with your own funding or apply for job offerings.
News from the GHI Washington
German Historical Institute Launches New Edition of Its Award-Winning Website GHDI
The GHI is pleased to announce the relaunch of its website German History in Documents and Images (GHDI), a collection of primary sources and supplementary essays presenting the history of Germany and the German-speaking lands from the early modern era to the present day offered in both German and English.
News from the University of Freiburg
Development of the Immune System Before and After Birth
New Collaborative Research Center – Transregio PILOT under the auspices of the University of Freiburg.
New Event Series
#DWIHzeitgeist series
#DWIHzeitgeist is a virtual, interactive and participatory series brought to you by the DWIH New York.
News from Campus OWL
How can robots act autonomously but safely in space?
Where robots and humans work together, they should not get in each other’s way. That’s why robots have to recognize and adhere to boundaries. And not only on the ground, but also in three-dimensional space: A DFG research project at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences at the Minden campus is developing interactive methods so that everyone can easily delimit a robot’s working area.
News from the University of Cologne
University of Cologne’s Prof. Markus Weinmann Leads German-American Research Team: Tracking Fraudulent Mouse Movements
Online fraudsters can be identified by their mouse movements, which could help in the future to minimize online fraud and the costs associated with it .
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