Based in Cologne, Berlin and Munich, the startup Ubirch reimagines the Internet of Things as the Blockchain of Things by applying hard, military-grade cryptography and blockchain technology.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network “smart” everyday objects that collect and transmit data among each other. From Fitbits to smart thermostats and connected cars, IoT is increasingly present in our lives. But for complex IoT ecosystems in which many parties use data collected by different IoT devices, data security is a major hurdle.
Based in Cologne, Berlin and Munich, the startup Ubirch reimagines the Internet of Things as the Blockchain of Things by applying hard, military-grade cryptography and blockchain technology.
The Ubirch solution works similar to sealing a contract at the office of a sworn-in notary. The seal can still be broken and the contract changed but not without leaving traces, and if these traces are detected, the original document can be retrieved from the notary’s archive.
Ubirch guarantees this notary-level of trustworthiness right from the moment data is sealed on the connected device, milliseconds after it has been measured and not only after it has been stored in a blockchain somewhere in the cloud.
The protocol and software Ubirch has developed guarantees that a sealed data packet:
- has not been changed
- originates from the device
- records time
- is not a duplicate
- has not been deleted
This enables the creation of tamper-proof, auditable records, which can be trusted by all parties involved in a business model – even, if not all of these parties trust each other 100%.
While most other IoT security solutions focus on securing the transmission channel and/or the device, Ubirch focuses on securing the IoT data-packets individually. The advantage of this approach is pervasiveness – as the security is attached to the data-points they are always secured – even if they have been transmitted over unsecure channels.